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What advantages do virtual business matchmaking offer?
The pandemic generated by Covid-19 transformed the way of doing business worldwide. Before, entrepreneurs could meet in person without any type of restriction, but now the meetings have been affected by mobility limitations, which is why connectivity alternatives are key in the economic recovery process.
Virtual business matchmaking has become an opportunity for the corporate sector to maintain business connections to enhance their businesses, this alternative has several advantages, according to industry leaders.
1.Expand opportunities with international markets.
The association of producers of fruits of Sumapaz (Frutipaz), is dedicated to the commercialization of pasteurized fruit pulps and special canned meats. With these products and through business matchmaking, the organization has managed to conquer new markets.
“It is a spectacular opportunity because we can relate to entrepreneurs from other countries. We handle fruit pulp and canned vegetables and virtual business matchmaking shot us up. We have arrived in the United States where we will participate with five points of sale in five cities”, said Mauricio Santiago, president of Frutipaz.
2. Lower costs
Entrepreneurs no longer must invest in air tickets, accommodation, and transfers, to participate in face-to-face meetings.
To this is added the investment that must be made to promote the product, "a stand can cost between 12 and 30 million pesos and you can use it for three to five years, while the business matchmaking is totally free", said Jorge Afanador, export director at D´origenn, a family business founded in 2001 and which has three high-quality product lines: coffee, chocolate, and powdered panela.
3. Optimize time
By not having to travel from one point to another, entrepreneurs can have a greater number of virtual meetings per day.
For these leaders, virtual business matchmaking will not come to an end once the pandemic is over but will be a tool that can continue to be in force in parallel with face-to-face trade shows.
"The face-to-face meetings allow generating a bond of trust and that is very important when doing business, the virtual meeting serves to make a first approach, but the client will always want to see, touch, feel and try the product", stated Laura Mejía, manager of D'lala Candies SAS.
D'lala Candies SAS was founded in 2017, this company is dedicated to the sale of jams, honey, moringa, almond milk, peanut butter, among other organic products, which have been gaining in demand.
She added that sometimes scheduled virtual meetings cannot be held for different reasons, but by contacting the company, they can maintain communication between both parties to agree on a new meeting.
These entrepreneurs participate in the third virtual business matchmaking that takes place in the agribusiness and food ecosystem, a virtual event that takes place between February 23 and 26, 2021, in which Colombian companies can generate meetings with various entrepreneurs of the national and international markets, seeking to expand its business opportunities and in support of the economic boost of its production chain.
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