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How do business matchmakings boost the Fashion and Clothing?
Entrepreneurs in the Fashion and Clothing ecosystem had to reinvent themselves to cope with the covid-19 pandemic, considering that a significant number of people migrated to digital channels.
Amid of this transformation, virtual business matchmakings become an alternative for companies in the sector to find new clients, as indicated by Colombia Productiva.
"The matchmakings have not only served as showcases to publicize the products that companies traditionally already offered, but they have also helped them find customers for the new products that they began to produce as an alternative to adapt to new circumstances, such as masks and garments for the health sector”, said Camilo Fernández de Soto, president of Colombia Productiva.
He added that business matchmakings allow working on a barrier that the industry has: low coordination between companies, which in turn limits the possibilities of generating economies of scale, creating business opportunities with new buyers, transmission of technological advances, diversification of production, increased productivity, and production chains in general.
“In addition to opening new international possibilities to companies in the fashion sector, the business matchmakings amid of the pandemic that is being experienced did generate awareness in national companies about the importance of strengthening business with local companies and contributing to the effects that this has on the economy, how to avoid the loss of more jobs", said the leader of the entity.
For some entrepreneurs linked to econexia, these spaces are necessary, considering that currently communication through digital channels has been strengthened, this is the case of Mauricio Osorno, manager of Somos Jeans, a company dedicated to the manufacture and sale of garments to dress in jean.
"Platforms such as Econexia have generated spaces for digital interaction between entrepreneurs, although a large part of those who participate in business matchmakings are suppliers and there are fewer buyers, the truth is that it is important to continue participating because that is the language that we're talking today”, said the businessman.
This opinion is shared by Bendita 10:22, an online store dedicated to the sale of nightwear, home products and accessories for doctors, "in Colombia there is support from entities, entrepreneurs must focus and knock on the necessary doors that allow our development, taking advantage of the knowledge and alliances that these offer us”.
According to Colombia Productiva, the products of the fashion sector with the greatest potential are girdles, swimwear, sportswear, leather goods (wallets and bags), designer clothes, jeans, and underwear.
To continue supporting entrepreneurs in the Fashion and Clothing sector, Corferias, Acicam and the Colombian Chamber of Clothing and others joined forces to carry out in parallel the International Footwear & Leather Show IFLS + EICI and the Textile Industry Hall to Confection (Createx) presentially.
Both trade shows will be held from June 2nd to 4th, 2021 in Corferias, adapted to this new reality under strict biosecurity protocols, social distancing and encouraging the ability to live a business meeting in the sector that promotes self-care and mutual care.
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