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Vitrina Virtual

Ecosistema de Industrias creativas y culturales


Web accesibility portal

Customer: Saldarriaga Concha Foundation– Banco Davivienda. 2018 -2017 Objective: Making the diagnosis, improvement plan of the accessibility to virtual channels of Banco Davivienda, deployment adjustment in HTML5 language, Colombian Sign Language interpretation, and implementation of training process specialized to responsible officers of the virtual channels of the bank. Dominio Estudio has extensive experience in research and evaluation of web accessibility of portal and APP, this has allowed us to support different customers and projects for guaranteeing that digital products are accessible for people with disabilities without carrying their conditions for accessing. Our objective is to allow all users could perceive, understand, surf, and interact with content in the digital products.





Subcategoría 2

Tecnologías de aprendizaje inclusivo

Sitio web

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