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Livestock Sector Facts

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We share with you some interesting facts about the livestock sector.

Livestock Sector:

• Colombia is 12th worldwide on bovine meat production and 4th in the region, after Brazil, Argentina and Mexico

• Antioquia, Casanare, Cordoba and Meta concentrate the 35% of the total bovine stock of 27.234.027 heads to October 2019  

• The GDP of livestock represents approximately the 25% of the agribusiness GDP and 1.5% of the national GDP.

• 2.824.482 number of cows registered for sacrifice between January and October 2019

•  The top 5 of the global beef producers are integrated by USA, Brazil, China, India* and Argentina, Colombia is 12th.

•  Colombia has the fourth greatest bovine cattle in Latin America, after Brazil, Argentina and Mexico

• By departments, the bovine stock is concentrated in Antioquia with 3 million heads, followed by Casanare, Cordoba and Meta

• In the measurement the water buffalo is included. In some regions the livestock is sacred, which keeps India from a bigger participation on a global scale Dairy Sector

•  Colombia has almost 395 thousand dairy producers and in 2018 the national production was of 7.358 million liters.

•  Antioquia produces around 3,8 million liters of milk, Cundinamarca 3 million and Cordoba 1,4 million per day.

•  1,4% was the increase of the GDP of dairy products elaboration in the 3 trimesters of the year together.

•  For September 2019, importations increased by 41%.

•   The government’s goal is that during its term, the PAE increases its coverage from 5,3 million beneficiaries to 7 million.

•    6.000 million pesos are the available Budget of Agrosavia for the transference of dairy chain technology. •    USA and India produce nearly the 30% of the milk around the world.

•    By departments, the milk production is concentrated Antioquia and Cundinamarca with 35% of the national production. Poultry Sector

•    Colombia is the fourth biggest producer of chicken in Latin America after Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, with 20 thousand tons during the first semester of 2019.

•   The central region (Cundinamarca, Tolima, Huila and Boyacá) represent nearly the 25% of the total poultry meat produced in the country.

•   On June 2019, the egg production in Colombia increased to 421.861 tons.

•    The national per capita consumption by November 2019 was placed in 35,6 kilos of poultry meat and 293 eggs.

•    230 pesos were the increase of the national Price for whole chicken kilogram. 30 pesos in average, was the increase of the egg Price.

•    USA, Brazil and China lead the global poultry meat production. USA produces 11,4 times more poultry meat than Colombia.

•    According to Fenavi, by 2018 in Colombia there were 30.750 sheds and 110 benefit plants registered.

•    By departaments, the poultry sector is concentrated in Santander, Cundinamarca, Valle and Antioquia. Valle, the greatest egg producer.

Source: Informes Sectorial, Sector Ganadería, tomado de EMIS Noviembre 2019 Informes Sectorial, Sector Lácteo, tomado de EMIS Diciembre 2019 Informes Sectorial, Sector Avícola, tomado de EMIS Diciembre 2019